Re: Kickstarting the Provenance Access and Query Task Force

On 20/05/2011 16:31, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> Hey,
> In order to start our work on a text about how provenance fits in the Web
> architecture I created a page for that text in our wiki:
> Since we agreed to bootstrap the work on that text by taking Sec.6 of the
> XG final report as a starting point, I copied the complete section of the
> report into the new wiki page.

Are we going to discuss a process for this task force in the next call?

I see a lot of comments from Graham could be collected into raised 
issues related to PAQ. Would that be the most effective way to bootstrap 
discussions starting from the wiki page?



> Cheers,
> Olaf

Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 14:20:44 UTC