Re: Implementation Stakeholder questionnaire approval

happy to distribute, i.e., to the TAPP mailing list, I wasn't sure this was ready. Also, is it ok to use Stian's boilerplate as intro?

Thanks, -Paolo

  On 6/27/11 2:46 PM, Deus, Helena wrote:
> Dear all,
> We had 7 responses to the form so far. We would like to hear a few more
> opinions, so if you have not done so, please fill out the form at
> p1OVg2REdmLWpSbTlRYks1OFZURVE6MQ#gid=0
> and forward it to anyone you know that is interested in using /
> producing provenance.
> Best,
> Lena

Received on Monday, 27 June 2011 14:18:28 UTC