Re: PROV-ISSUE-1: a proposal to vote on


Luc Moreau wrote:
> Dear all,
> You will recall we failed to reach consensus on the following proposal 
> at the last teleconference:
>  "in a first instance, to define the necessary concepts that allow us to 
> express the provenance
> of a thing that does not change".  Kai, Jim and Satya then expressed 
> concerns, which can be
> summarized as, this proposal provides no route to handle mutable things.
> After a long email discussion with them over the WE, we have converged 
> towards a better
> proposal:
> /In a first instance, to define the necessary concepts that allow us to 
> express the provenance of
> an invariant view or perspective on a thing./
> What is important to note is that it is the view/perspective that does 
> not change, the thing
> itself can be mutable.
> To allow us to progress, can you express by +1/-1/0 your support for 
> this proposal?
> Best regards,
> Luc
> -- 
> Professor Luc Moreau               
> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487         
> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865         
> Southampton SO17 1BJ               email: <>  
> United Kingdom           

Received on Monday, 6 June 2011 14:37:53 UTC