Re: PROV-ISSUE-78 (contexts-and-provenance-uris): multiple contexts and provenance-uris [Accessing and Querying Provenance]

As a follow-on to my previous message, the property/value pairs could
be the attribute/value pairs of entities in the model.  In essence,
with this example, I am starting to embed some provenance, as defined
in the model:

entity(context-uri1, [ prop1=val1, prop2=a ]) ...

While I am conscious we didn't intend to tackle this in this version of
the document, it seems that it is related.


On 08/23/2011 09:09 AM, Luc Moreau wrote:
> Of course, there is a question that follows.  What can a client usefully
> do with this information?  Having these uris is a bit terse, and in the
> absence of metadata, it seems that the client is only left with the 
> choice
> of dereferencing all these provenance-uris.
> In that case, is it really worth being precise about the "mapping" 
> context-uri -> provenance-uri?
> It seems that:
> {context-uri1, context-uri2}
> and
> {provenance-uri1,provenance-uri2,provenance-uri3,provenance-uri4}
> could have just done the job as well.
> Alternatively, an encoding that allows for, e.g.,
>  context-uri1  provenance-uri1 (prop1=val1, prop2=a)
>  context-uri1  provenance-uri2 (prop1=val2, prop2=a)
>  context-uri2  provenance-uri3 (prop1=val1, prop2=c)
>  context-uri2  provenance-uri4 (prop1=val2, prop2=c)
> is then becoming useful, since a client can decide between 
> context-uri1/2 (according to prop2)
> and between provenance-uri1/2 (according to prop1). Thus it can 
> selectively dereference a single
> of the provenance-uris.
> Is there a way of embedding such metadata?

Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
United Kingdom           

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 08:19:10 UTC