Re: PROV-ISSUE-64 (definition-use): definition of use [Conceptual Model]

Hi Graham,
This issue was closed, pending review.
Are you satisfied with the changes? Can we
close it? Alternatively, you can reopen it,
or create a more specific issue.

PS See note on this issue's page

On 29/07/11 10:13, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> PROV-ISSUE-64 (definition-use): definition of use [Conceptual Model]
> Raised by: Graham Klyne
> On product: Conceptual Model
> 5.4 Use
> Same problem with 'role' as above.
> [[
> A reference to a given BOB may appear in multiple use assertions that refer to a given process execution, but each of those use assertions must have a distinct role.
> ]]
> In light of the above, this seems nonsensical to me.
> [[
> Given an assertion uses(pe,x,r) or uses(pe,x,r,t), at least one value of x's attributes is a pre-condition for the activity denoted by pe to terminate.
> ]]
> As written this doesn't make sense - a value of an attribute being a precondition seems like a type error to me.  I think you mean something like availability of an attribute value.  But even that is hard to follow.  Suggest simplifying this to just:
> [[
> Given an assertion uses(pe,x,r) or uses(pe,x,r,t), existence of x is a pre-condition for the activity denoted by pe to terminate.
> ]]

Received on Monday, 22 August 2011 21:12:36 UTC