Progress on Property Graphs CG

Hello Norbert:
Since you have not been able to join the telcons lately, we would like to update
you on our progress and ask a couple of questions.

The CG has created a recommendation that we would like to take to W3C.
Essentially, we would like the W3C to start a Working Group to standardize
a Property Graphs data model.  The scope has been limited to the data model
so that we can create a standard within an year.  While this work is going on
we can think about chartering further work: perhaps a declarative and/or
navigational API, perhaps other graph analysis facilities.

So, now to the questions.
If the W3C started a WG with a scope such as below, would you participate in it and contribute to it?
Would you implement the data model as part of your product offerings?
All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 13:52:12 UTC