Minutes from Oct 22, 2013 Telcon

Minutes Property Graphs CG Oct 22, 2013

[12:05] <AshokMalhotra> present: Zhe Wu, Gregg Kellogg, Ashok Malhotra, Ivan Herman, Kelvin Lawrence, Andy Seaborne, Theodoros Michalareas

[12:07]<AshokMalhotra> RESOLUTION:  CG elects Ashok Malhotra as Chair

[12:08] <Kelvin_Lawrence> Hi all , I have met many of you before but I am Kelvin from IBM

[12:08] <@gkellogg> +1

[12:08] <zwu2> Having two chairs is good. They can alternate

[12:09] <AshokMalhotra> RESOLUTION:  CG elects Kelvin Lawrence as Co-Chair

[12:10] <AshokMalhotra> Shall we have a weekly call?

[12:11] <theo> +1

[12:11] <zwu2> +1 to weekly call

[12:11] <AshokMalhotra> RESOLUTION:  CG will have weekly telcons

[12:12] <AndyS> [off] Who is on the phone and not on IRC?

[12:13] <AndyS> [off] e.g. Ivan

[12:13] <AshokMalhotra> RESOLUTION:  Weekly telcons Tuesdays 12 Noon Eastern

[12:13] * gkellogg I think just Ivan

[12:15] <AshokMalhotra> Ivan:  We should try to involve important players in this arena

[12:16] <AshokMalhotra> ... that should be highest priority

[12:17] <AshokMalhotra> Zhe:  For example Neo4J, Sparsity ...

[12:17] <AndyS> Other parties -- www.tinkerpop.com <http://www.tinkerpop.com> , Neo4J , Sparsity, Aurelius + big users Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

[12:17] <AshokMalhotra> Ivan:  Also folks like Google and Twitter that use graphs

[12:18] <AshokMalhotra> Kelvin:  Lots of uses of graphs

[12:19] <AndyS> also Giraph users (and other big data engines).

[12:19] <AshokMalhotra> Ivan:  If we want to create a standard we want the right folks involved

[12:23] <AshokMalhotra> Zhe:  InfinityGraph?

[12:23] <Kelvin_Lawrence> I think there are some "de-facto" standards starting to emerge. Blueprints is probably one

[12:24] <AshokMalhotra> Discussion about how to attract other companies

[12:25] <Kelvin_Lawrence> Several players I would love to have involved with us in some way including Neo, Aurelius (Titan/Tinkerpop)

[12:26] <AshokMalhotra> Kelvin:  Timing is important because de-facto standards are emerging

[12:29] <@gkellogg> q+

[12:32] <AshokMalhotra> Greg:  We had different issues in JSON-LD CG ... spent a long time working on requirements

[12:32] <AshokMalhotra> ... different work products

[12:34] <AshokMalhotra> Andy:  Are we only doing a standard or is this part of a bigger picture?

[12:35] <AshokMalhotra> Kelvin:  We need to focus on usecases and requirements ...  CG should be as inclusive as possible

[12:36] <AshokMalhotra> ... do not disenfranchise open source folks

[12:36] <AshokMalhotra> ... also best practices

[12:40] <AshokMalhotra> Gregg:  Start email on usecases

[12:40] <@gkellogg> Mail on extending RDF for Property Graphs http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2013Aug/0026.html

[12:43] <AshokMalhotra> Ivan:  Concentrating on relationship with RDF may not be wise wrt external contacts


[12:46] <AshokMalhotra> Zhe:  Agrees with Ivan

[12:50] <AshokMalhotra> Ashok:  We are working on a Member Submission on a REST interface for PGs.  ... I will write up something and we can discuss

[12:51] * gkellogg sorry, need to drop off now

[12:51] <AndyS> q+

[12:53] <AshokMalhotra> Andy:  Again, we need to think thru fundamental issues ... do PG folks need web related standards

[12:57] <AshokMalhotra> Kelvin:  There was something at the workshop that may help ... I will find appropriate links

[12:58] <AshokMalhotra> ADJOURNED

All the best, Ashok

Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 17:17:16 UTC