Minutes from Dec 17 Telcon

Happy Holidays!  Best Wishes for the New Year

Thanks, Andy, for scribing!

[11:56] <Ashok> Meeting:Property Graphs CG
[11:57] <Ashok> Chair: Ashok
[12:02] <Ashok> present: Michael, Ashok, Nick, Patrick, Andy, Gregg:Ivan, Zhe
[12:04] <AndyS> Ashok: Minutes from last telcon
[12:04] <Ashok>http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-propertygraphs/2013Dec/0007.html
[12:04] <AndyS> ... no objections ... approved
[12:05] <AndyS> 4 companies have joined the the CG.  Unfortunately, only one is on the phoen.
[12:05] <AndyS> ... Objectivity - Nick Quinn.Nick - intro please.
[12:06] <AndyS> Nick: Objectivity is a long time company, object database, recently in the graph database.Got solid enterprise features.
[12:06] <AndyS> ... interested in schema, fixed/flexible data models.
[12:07] <AndyS> Ashok: so fixed schema for graph?
[12:08] <AndyS> Nick: That's our core technology base.Edge resolution is object-like.
[12:10] <AndyS> Ahok: two other expressions of interest - Jans Assman (Franz) and also PeterBoncz academic in Europe.
[12:10] <AndyS> Topic:  Use case then about our direction ...
[12:11] <AndyS> Michael: focused on how to ship draws around.
[12:11] <AndyS> ... shipping graph with many vocabularies, and how it fits with linked data community.
[12:12] <AndyS> ... reuse of algorithms in LD community.
[12:13] <AndyS> Ashok: std would be like PropertyGraphs?
[12:14] <AndyS> ... we will explore what the std might look like.So input to that would be useful.Could you email the list, Michael?
[12:15] <AndyS> Michael: Ok - will try.How could this PG std help LD community which has a lot of data already?One way is use algorithms on LD data.
[12:15] <AndyS> ... not in RDF but can be mapped to RDF.
[12:16] <AndyS> ... RDF is a well defined standard.
[12:17] <AndyS> Ashok: Think about what the CG should recommend.CGs do not create standards but can suggest work items to W3C.
[12:17] <AndyS> ... e.g. W3C start a PG-WG for a std for PGs.[PG = Property Graphs]
[12:18] <AndyS> ... if we agree on that, then what will the std look like?PG data model?e.g. datatypes e.g. XSD or RDF
[12:19] <AndyS> ... attributes - multivalued?
[12:19] <AndyS> ... add collections to PG model?
[12:20] <AndyS> ... spoke to one of the member companies who said they have a hyper graph model (generalised graph model).
[12:20] <AndyS> ... API(s)
[12:21] <AndyS> ... typically imperative
[12:21] <AndyS> ... could produce a navigational API
[12:21] <AndyS> ... e.g. OASIS OData.
[12:22] <AndyS> ... API from Tinkerpop (Rexster is the server API).
[12:24] <AndyS> AndyS; What are the boundaries here? What's in, what's outside the boundary?
[12:24] <AndyS> Ashok: OData was example of URIs for collections.
[12:24] <AndyS> ... then the question that comes up is relationship to RDF.
[12:25] <AndyS> ... need to step up and think about this RDF question.
[12:26] <AndyS> ... we only recommend the WG is started
[12:28] <AndyS> ... can write this up and discuss at next telecon.
[12:29] <AndyS> AndyS: submissions or input material to WG.
[12:29] <AndyS> Ashok: thinking of writing a submission
[12:31] <AndyS> Ivan: Would not put relationship to RDF as a WG task - not REC- maybe a NOTE.
[12:31] <AndyS> Ashok: navigational API
[12:31] <AndyS> ... declarative API ... harder.  Would take longer
[12:33] <AndyS> AndyS: Relationship to web?
[12:34] <AndyS> Ashok: Benefit is using W3C protocols and URIs to ground itself in the web.
[12:34] <AndyS> ... query ... results formats ... XML, JSON-LD ?
[12:35] <zwu2> I think we probably need to start with a data model
[12:36] <AndyS> Ashok: yes, we should start with the data model
[12:36] <AndyS> Ashok: going to start writing over the holidays
[12:36] <AndyS> Zhe: Could make APIs general for all "graph" models.
[12:37] <AndyS> Ashok: still contacting other companies.
[12:38] <AndyS> ... next telcon in 3 weeks time - Jan 7th, 2014
[12:39] <zwu2> happy holidays!
[12:39] <AndyS> ADJOURNED
All the best, Ashok

Received on Tuesday, 17 December 2013 17:56:05 UTC