Getting sign-off from horizontal groups

I previously raised the idea of traffic-light signals from x-func (and maybe other) groups that could signal to the team and AC the status of specs that are asking for approval to progress.

I realized the other day that this is quite easily done.

Create a fake interest-group, which only has invited members. Call it the horiz-review-IG. Ask each horizontal review group (accessibility, i18n, privacy, security, TAG, ’team’..) to nominate a voter in the horiz-review-IG group.

The groups gets a WBS poll on specs looking for advancement.  

“Name of your x-functional group, that you are filing on behalf of:

Do you:
green) see no reason to stop this this specification being advanced as-is?
yellow) think that this specification has considerations that should be carefully weighed by the AC and Director before approving advancement (details below)?
red) think that this specification should not be advanced, and be returned to the WG for further work (details below)?”

Then we, as a community, would be able to see what traffic-light and comments were received in summary (and that we’re often missing a security review, ahem).

I think this would elevate the PING comments and feelings quite substantially.

What do you think?

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 21 June 2019 20:19:27 UTC