a dry run for the privacy questionaire

Hi all,

As a next step, I was thinking I could take the privacy questionaire I've
been developing out for a test run on a proposed standard.

IIRC there are two we're currently looking at:

[1] Media Capture Streams
[2] Presentation API http://www.w3.org/TR/presentation-api/

Anyone have feedback on which one would needs attention more? Ideally we'd
both improve a standard and get some insight into what the questionaire is

(I'll edit the questions on the wiki
<https://www.w3.org/wiki/Privacy_and_security_questionnaire> based on my
experiences and send a summary to the list)

*Greg Norcie (norcie@cdt.org <norcie@cdt.org>)*

*Staff Technologist*
*Center for Democracy & Technology*
1634 Eye St NW Suite 1100
Washington DC 20006
(p) 202-637-9800
PGP: http://norcie.com/pgp.txt



Received on Friday, 14 August 2015 16:28:32 UTC