Re: On the european response to Snowden

further decoding: the EU has no authority over national security matters
(ie foreign intelligence gathering) in its member states. Directive Rigo
mentions will apply to law enforcement -- a good start, but not sufficient.

On Mon Jan 26 2015 at 12:54:41 PM Rigo Wenning <> wrote:

> On Monday 26 January 2015 9:52:35 David Singer wrote:
> > interesting article
> >
> > <
> surveillance_privacy_and_secur
> > ity_europes_confused_response329>
> Decoding:
> The privacy regulation is under way and shall be voted in 2015. But it only
> touches on data protection and communications of the private sector.
> There is a parallel "Directive" on data protection in government. Directive
> means that it isn't directly nationally applicable (the regulation above
> will
> be). A Directive needs a national legislative act to be effective. This
> Directive touches on the issue of Pervasive Monitoring. There is debate,
> but
> the debate is somewhat silenced by other issues, like Greece, the war in
> Ukraine. Also the freedom of speech against islamist threatening is at the
> forefront as you can imagine
> BTW, while the discussion is somewhat low in France, Italy and Greece, the
> debate on Pervasive Monitoring is happening in the Netherlands, Germany and
> Belgium. There is certainly a tension between what governments would like
> to
> do and what the population is willing to let them do in terms of
> surveillance.
>  --Rigo

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 01:15:24 UTC