Re: Opt-out for wifi network of the Google Location Server

* Karl Dubost wrote:
>This seems like a bad farce.
>Owners of Wifi network access point have all 
>to change their SSID to opt-out of Google Cars 
>collecting geolocation.

Well, it seems to me that if network operators should be able to "opt-
out" of having their networks participate in third party geolocation
schemes, then Google means that all "clients" need to be updated so the
information about the "_nomap" networks never reach Google servers. So,
Google will modify the software on "StreetView" cars and its "Android"
devices and the "Chrome" browser, and likewise Opera and Mozilla which
also use the Google service, and so on, will have to be modified to im-
plement this "_nomap" convention. To that end I've taken an hour to whip
up which documents
this, clarifying that Google probably did not meant to say they only
mean to filter out "_nomap" networks at the server, which would be a bit
ridiculous, as they'd still get the data even though they don't have to,
as they would not use it, due to the convention.

I could not immediately locate existing bug reports for browsers that
use the Google service, but I trust they should appear very soon.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
Am Badedeich 7 · Telefon: +49(0)160/4415681 ·
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Received on Saturday, 26 November 2011 20:28:12 UTC