Print and Page Layout Day [Was: Meetup at XML London?]

On 18/04/2015 00:10, Tony Graham wrote:
> XML London has slots available in its 'Pre-conference Friday' on 5
> June for 'Community' sessions:
> Do we want to do a PPL CG meetup (in the afternoon)?

The 'Pre-conference Friday' on 5 June has turned into a Print and Page
Layout Day (though the organisers aren't calling it that, yet), and it's
all free.

The morning session is:

Generating PDF using CSS paged media

Andreas Jung is running a workshop / training session*. He will
demonstrate the basic usage of related tools (either PrinceXML or
PDFreactor) which includes:

     @page rule examples
     basic formatting
     headers and footers using CSS regions
     simple multi-column layout

The afternoon session is me:

XSLT & XSL FO toolbox of tips and tricks

XSLT was designed to transform XML into other formats, and its original
purpose was to transform XML into the XSL-FO vocabulary for formatting
as pages.

Producing pages is still close to the heart of many publishers, but we
also use XSLT to transform XML into other XML vocubularies, into HTML,
and into other non-XML formats.

This session provides sample techniques for using XSLT and XSL FO in
publishing. We encourage attendees to put forward their pain points with
using XSLT and/or XSL FO and we'll add them to the mix as we look at
solving the XSLT and XSL FO problems that matter most to people.



Received on Thursday, 28 May 2015 08:15:18 UTC