Re: Comments on Nov-14 WD for ITS IG

On Thu Dec 18 13:52:38 2008 Phil Archer said:

> However, all the textual elements are essentially annotations and so
> need not be restricted.

Except for tags, which are datatype properties and visible to reasoners,
so due care is called for. Good news is, I tried Pellet and it didn't
blink an eye: a slight variation of DR example 2-14 where the definition
of tagset_1 goes like

    <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
        <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="" />
        <owl:hasValue xml:lang="en">New Releases</owl:hasValue>
        <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="" />
        <owl:hasValue xml:lang="nl">Nieuwe Releases</owl:hasValue>

works just fine (that is, our Semantic PP returns both wdrs:tag triples
with their xml:lang attribute).


Received on Thursday, 18 December 2008 14:52:05 UTC