Re: The 'missing protocol part'?

On Wed Apr 23 06:50:58 2008 Phil Archer said:

> A first pass at this leads me to suggest that for a URI, u, the basic 
> function is
> describe(u)
> which would return RDF triples like
> <rdf:Description rdf:about="u">
>   <ex:color>red</ex:color>
>   <ex:shape>square</ex:shape>
> </rdf:Description>
> (or the same thing in other serialisations)

Isn't POWDER also about resource discovery? A function

 described( d, h )

with the same POWDER doc and/or creator parameters as describe(),
returning a set of resources that (a) are described by d and (b) are
subsumed by host or hosts h.


Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 07:59:52 UTC