Re: Fwd: ISSUE-17 (dynamic-pois): How are POIs with dynamic properties represented?

> Well that really all depends upon how thinly we scope this standard.  I
> can see benefits for just having a skeleton POI that is simply a
> reference point separate from presentation and interaction information.
> However, the main mobile AR browsers now all include some form of
> interaction definition at the POI level and I find that really useful on
> a daily basis.
> So it all really depends on whether we expect that presentation and
> interaction context will solely be supplied by the consuming
> application...or if we also expect that in "some cases" the POI creator
> would also like to be able to specify (at least recommended) options for
> this.
> Personally, I think not allowing a POI to be linked to the equivalents
> of styles and events in any way at all could quickly become very
> limiting and will simply drive more network connections.

There's basically two ways to attach event handlers and styles to
elements: procedural and declarative. What we most often see these
days in web pages is that event handlers get assigned procedurally by
an onload handler (the only event handler that's assigned
declaratively), but styles usually in a declarative manner using CSS
(and later sometimes update by event handlers).

I like the declarative approach of CSS for assigning styles,
separation of content and style and all. I'm just now wondering: is
there nothing like this for JavaScript, i.e. a declarative language to
assign event handlers to elements?


Received on Thursday, 19 May 2011 13:43:56 UTC