Re: POI Core strawman

Excellent work, that should help get the ball rolling on getting this
information pinned down.

I'd have to go down the thing element by element, but I see a few
things that I would change.

* If you use an object to define a georeferance , for example, you'd
still need the centre point defined in some other way as
object could be used to represent a relative volume, but it doesn't
specify a location by itself. So I think that should be mentioned.
Also, it should be clear that the definition of an area by object is
quite different to specifying a 3d object to place at a POI (which is
of course the typical AR use-case).
Essentially I think its easy at the moment to get location information
and the data which it places mixed up.  Geo-reference should be "where
you put something" but what you put there should be specified
elsewhere in the POI.

* Unless I'm missing something, I think the document also needs a
element for this data to be positioned...I'd vote for simple a "data"
element that takes a URL and a MIME type - letting people position any
arbitrary data or document with the POI. For AR use this would be the
link to the 3D model, but it would also make it easy to link a
location to a webpage, or even a sound file. (making audio tours very
easy to make).
significant/worthy to be discussed?
Either way, great start to work from.

-Thomas Wrobel

I had a (very rough) Time element worked out
On 2 May 2011 19:59, Matt Womer <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the interest of getting us closer to publishing a First Public Working Draft, I've created a skeleton editor's draft that is based on materials in the wiki [1], the mailing list, the discussions we have had during calls and face-to-face meetings, and some stuff (the XML syntax in particular) that I just made up as I went along.  There are lots of parts that are incomplete, insufficient, and probably extremely dangerous, but I think it should provide us a good framework for discussions going forward.
> Here it is, enjoy:
> I would ask that as we discuss this, please create new email threads for significant issues rather than just responding to this message.  In the interest of not needlessly spamming the list, please send typos, editorial nits, etc to me directly.  Please also cite the date on the top of the document as well.
> Thanks,
> -Matt Womer
> Editor pro tempore
> [1] In particular: and

Received on Monday, 2 May 2011 20:05:10 UTC