Re: [AR Standards Discussion] A Uniform Resource Identifier for Geographic Locations ('geo' URI)

I gave it a very quick read over and it does indeed have much of
that's needed (including a default co-ordinate system while being able
to specify others, as well as a accuracy spec).

However, I think it lacks any orientation specification which we would
need. So we could adopt the key/value pairs used here, but would need
to add additional ones as well. We could of course use the standard as
is, but include the additional data as separate fields - but that
would lead to more complex parsing.

I'm also not completely sure I like how circle and sphere regions seem
to be defined just by a "uncertain point"...seems like data stored in
that way could be ambiguously and vulnerable to be interpreted in
different ways.
[/my 0.0143918euros]

I agree however, this should certainly be discussed and added to the
existing standards list.


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On 16 March 2011 01:40, Rob Manson <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know there has been a lot of mention of WGS-84[1] in the public-poiwg
> discussions but I couldn't seem to find[2][3] any mention of or
> reference to rfc5870 - A Uniform Resource Identifier for Geographic
> Locations ('geo' URI)[4].
> This seems like a significant thing to be overlooked and something it
> seems like we should be utilising and benefiting from...if indeed it
> does look like becoming a usable standard (obviously only a
> draft/proposed standard at the moment).
> So...what do people think of rfc5870?
> Christine, this is definitely something we should add to the
> "existing standards" page under the "Location Standards"
> section.
> roBman
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
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Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 20:41:04 UTC