from April to June 2021 by subject

(belated) Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 14 April 2021

[pointerevents] "This API always returns at least one coalesced event for pointermove events and an empty list for other types of PointerEvents." (#224)

[pointerevents] [css-touch-action] disable webview swipe back behavior (#358)

[pointerevents] `touch-action: none` behavior is intuitive in Firefox, confusing in Chrome. The spec should be clearer. (#387)

[pointerevents] `touch-action: none` definition is too vague (#276)

[pointerevents] Add figures for altitudeAngle and azimuthAngle (#378)

[pointerevents] Add new section explaining coalesced and predicted events (#364)

[pointerevents] Add note explicitly about mouse compat events, preventDefault, and passive events (#369)

[pointerevents] Add section explaining what coalesced and predicted events actually *are* in layperson's terms (#361)

[pointerevents] Changing the DOM hierarchy while handling a "pointerenter" event produces significantly different results across browsers (#285)

[pointerevents] Clarify that pointer event listeners are passive by default (#360)

[pointerevents] Clarify the coalesced/predicted targets dirty stuff, and clarify better how these events are generated/populated and when (#370)

[pointerevents] Clarify what the coalesced/predicted targets dirty stuff is actually about (#370)

[pointerevents] Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events (#356)

[pointerevents] Clarify when lostpointercapture should fire (#357)

[pointerevents] Clarify whether touch contact must fire a `pointerrawupdate` event (#373)

[pointerevents] Clarify/expand introduction to the touch-action section (#366)

[pointerevents] Click event while a pointer event is captured (#75)

[pointerevents] disambiguate default *action* and default *behavior* in prose (#368)

[pointerevents] do `pointerrawupdate` events also get predicted events? (#380)

[pointerevents] Do user agents only coalesce pointermove events relating to changes in position? (#375)

[pointerevents] Enable direct pen and touch to have different touch-action behavior (#203)

[pointerevents] Expand explanation for non-coalesced events (#379)

[pointerevents] How is pointer event ctor supposed to work when coalescedEvents is passed using the PointerEventInit (#223)

[pointerevents] HTML monkeypatching: animation frame callbacks (#385)

[pointerevents] HTML monkeypatching: initiate the drag-and-drop operation definition (#384)

[pointerevents] Implement penover / pendown / penmove / penup events and similar for other new pointer types. (#359)

[pointerevents] Improve legibility/style of pointerrawupdate section (#365)

[pointerevents] It is unclear how predicted events' timestamps should relate to actual dispatched events (#282)

[pointerevents] Major refactoring: refer to "direct manipulation" rather than "touch" (#350)

[pointerevents] Move glossary to the end of the spec (#362)

[pointerevents] Move glossary to the end of the spec (#363)

[pointerevents] Move Navid Zoghadr to former editors (#371)

[pointerevents] new commits pushed by patrickhlauke

[pointerevents] new commits pushed by plehegar

[pointerevents] Proposal: a way of tracking pointer position on pan/zoom touch-action (#339)

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Add figures for altitudeAngle and azimuthAngle

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Add new section explaining coalesced and predicted events

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Clarify the rationale and purpose of touch-action

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Expand explanation for non-coalesced events

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Expand the definition/explanation of predicted events timestamps

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Explicit note about pointerrawmove having an empty predicted event list

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Improve legibility/style of pointerrawupdate section

[pointerevents] Pull Request: More minor tweaks

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Move glossary to the end of the spec

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Move Navid Zoghadr to former editors

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Refreshing references using latest respec magic

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Remove mention of animation frame callback

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Simplify/clarify coalesced and predicted events

[pointerevents] Pull Request: task queue is not reliable HTML concept. Use event loop instead

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Update readme

[pointerevents] Pull Request: Update WCAG keyboard reference to latest spec version

[pointerevents] Refreshing references using latest respec magic (#381)

[pointerevents] Remove mention of animation frame callback (#388)

[pointerevents] Should "click", "dblclick" and "contextmenu" events be PointerEvents? (#100)

[pointerevents] Should events queue a task? (#197)

[pointerevents] Simplify/clarify coalesced and predicted events (#377)

[pointerevents] Specify exactly how event coalescing works (#328)

[pointerevents] touch-action: disable webview swipe back behavior (#358)

[pointerevents] Unclear note about PointerEvent initialization of attributes to reflect coalesced events (#374)

Cancelling upcoming PEWG meeting 9 June 2021

Closed: [pointerevents] `touch-action: none` definition is too vague (#276)

Closed: [pointerevents] Add section explaining what coalesced and predicted events actually *are* in layperson's terms (#361)

Closed: [pointerevents] Clarify that pointer event listeners are passive by default (#360)

Closed: [pointerevents] Clarify/expand introduction to the touch-action section (#366)

Closed: [pointerevents] Click event while a pointer event is captured (#75)

Closed: [pointerevents] disambiguate default *action* and default *behavior* in prose (#368)

Closed: [pointerevents] do `pointerrawupdate` events also get predicted events? (#380)

Closed: [pointerevents] HTML monkeypatching: animation frame callbacks (#385)

Closed: [pointerevents] Implement penover / pendown / penmove / penup events and similar for other new pointer types. (#359)

Closed: [pointerevents] It is unclear how predicted events' timestamps should relate to actual dispatched events (#282)

Closed: [pointerevents] Move glossary to the end of the spec (#362)

Closed: [pointerevents] Normatively make touch-action apply for direct-manipulation pen devices (#202)

Closed: [pointerevents] Specify exactly how event coalescing works (#328)

Event Cancelled: "Pointer Events WG call"

Event Invitation: Pointer Events WG call

Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 12 May 2021

Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 23 June 2021

Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 26 May 2021

Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 28 April 2021

Weird events sequence/behaviour in Chrome/iOS

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2021 19:20:30 UTC