Re: [pointerevents] Stylus eraser: should it be a new pointerType instead of a button state?

Just realized that @RByers's questions went unanswered. I will draw 
others attention through my two cents:

> Maybe the biggest question here is "should pressing the eraser 
button be distinguishable from using a pen inverted". I assume there 
are art use cases where the user does really expect for these to be 
different operations, right? Does anyone know if apps like Photoshop 
these differently today?

If a pen has both an eraser button and a flipped eraser mode, IMO it's
 the job of the driver/OS to let us distinguish between them. I think 
@patrickhlauke once posted a screenshot of Wacom settings which even 
allows associating a button to "touching the screen", right?

An analogous example for mouse: if the OS lets users define 
simultaneous L+R click as a middle button (Linux used to support this 
for two button mouse), an WebApp perhaps shouldn't care.

> If we did introduce a new "eraser" pointerType, would we also use a 
different pointerId (and so get a leave/enter pair when the pen is 

Right now, both Edge & Chrome emits a new pointerId if the same pen 
leaves-then-enters the digitizer range. We can safely do the same for 
a flipped pen, right?

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Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2016 20:57:03 UTC