Re: [pointerevents] Support hovering button states

Expanding the thought, though, we could also consider a hovering 
left-click or menu/context click (but not an erase button press) as an
 actual (faked) sequence of `pointerdown` > `pointerup` > `focus` > 
`click` sequence, i.e. making it equivalent to the user actually 
tapping the screen surface briefly. I assume that this would improve 
compatibility for scripts that are listening out for (some of) those 
events, making a hovered button press functionally equivalent to an 
actual button press with screen contact.

To avoid going into too much detail, we could make an 
non-normative/informative boxout right after the table in which suggests that
 some stylus devices also register a hovering stylus, and that UAs on 
those devices *MAY* (or *SHOULD* ?) do the above (treat a hovering 
button press as an actual tap on the screen, firing the relevant event
 sequences) ? This would have the least impact on the spec (though 
would still be a substantive change, I guess).

GitHub Notif of comment by patrickhlauke

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2015 20:59:09 UTC