Re: Expected behavior when releasing a button after pointer capture

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 1:47 PM, Rick Byers <> wrote:

> FWIW, I'd say it's a bug not to send pointerleave to an element the mouse
> is no longer on after release of capture (including by button up).  It
> would be wrong for a framework to consider such elements still hovered.

You get the pointerout/pointerleave events as you cross the boundary since
those are still fired on the capturing element. There's just no
accompanying pointerover/pointerenter events, even after releasing the
button. This is the behavior that I think should change. Once capture is
lost, if the pointer is over another element, I think there should be
events to indicate that.

The question of what should happen when content appears underneath is very
> similar to the question of what should happen when the content scrolls.  WebKit
> has just changed their behavior here
> <>, and we're planning on
> changing blink
> <> - probably
> to something similar to Firefox
> <> (or
> possibly WebKit).

That sounds good. I've been waiting a few years for browsers to be
consistent on this.

Received on Monday, 27 April 2015 19:06:41 UTC