Draft agenda: 11 February 2014 call

Below is the draft agenda for a PEWG call on February 11. If you have 
input for any of the topics (especially if you can't make the call), 
please send your info to the list, preferably in reply to the relevant 
thread/bug. Also, please address actions before the call; 

The minutes from our last call (January 28) are 

-Thanks, ArtB

= Agenda

1. Tweak agenda; determine scribe

2. adding an informative note re touch events?; Patrick on January 31; 

3. ACTION-68: Proposed text for "contextmenu issue"; Rick proposed text 
on January 28; 

4. Exception usage; Anne on February 3; 

5. Feedback on pointer events; Anne on February 3; 

6. Focus/blur?; Patrick on February 4; 

7. Pointer cancel event dispatching; Nikolay Lebedev on February 4; 

8. Testing status

9. CR implementation updates

10. AoB

= Logistics

* Time: UTC: 16:00; Paris: 17:00; Helsinki: 18:00; Boston: 11:00; San 
Francisco: 08:00; Tokyo: 01:00 (Wednesday); Duration = 90 minutes maximum
* Phone Numbers: W3C's Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200; PIN = 7394# 
(PEWG#); SIP information <http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim-SIP>
* IRC: irc://irc.w3.org/ ; channel #pointerevents
* Meetings page: <http://www.w3.org/wiki/PointerEvents/Meetings> 
(includes "tips" on IRC, scribing, etc.)

= Documents and Resources:

* List Archive: <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pointer-events/>
* Minutes wiki: <http://www.w3.org/wiki/PointerEvents/Minutes>
* Test repo: 
* Pointer Events CR Comments and Bugs: 

Received on Monday, 10 February 2014 14:04:29 UTC