Duty Unit Constraint

Hi Victor, in your slides:

 <victor> I can solve mine inmediatly Action 25. the example
  that is requested can be seen in slide 18 of
  [21]http://tutorials.oeg-upm.net/rightslinkeddata/session4b.pdf <http://tutorials.oeg-upm.net/rightslinkeddata/session4b.pdf>

Wouldn’t it be better, especially for the second permission, to model that “rdf:statement” constraint as part of the Permission, not the duty?

That is, you are permitted to reproduce 1 triple from target dataset:ds01 if you pay 0.01EUR

(and hence, each time you do that, you pay 0.01EUR)

Renato Iannella, Monegraph
Co-Chair, W3C Permissions & Obligations Expression (POE) Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 02:53:08 UTC