Questions re POE.UC.01

Hi Victor,

some questions regarding requirements of your POE.UC.01 -


*         Re r(equirement) 5: what are the special and specific features of a *common* license and the *linguistic* domain

*         Re r 7: “… from an …” -> “… from an …” ?

*         Re r 7: what means creating a new resource from an existing resource … maybe: deriving? (see r 13)

*         Re r 10: “complete manner“ – does that mean the policy includes exactly how to attribute?

*         Re r 14: “within” = the policy defines explicitly the fee, “outside” =  the policy defines that the fee has to be agreed outside the policy’s scope

*         Re r 16: … to use policy templates to create a final, “real” policy?

*         Re r 17: please examples of categories – policy category is not an unambiguous term

*         Re r 18: what should have this ability of referencing? “this” policy, or something else? What is the role of “this policy” in the latter case?


Thanks for clarifications,






Received on Thursday, 21 April 2016 18:56:49 UTC