POE responses

Hi Antoine,

Just a heads up... as per the minutes of today's WG call [1], you'll be 
getting an e-mail from Renato soon in response to your welcome comments 
on the P&OE work [2]. Renato knows the ODRL spec inside out so he'll go 
into detail but I think there are 2 issues.

1. The WG thinks the use case can probably be met with the existing ODRL 
spec (i.e. you're not presenting new requirements, although the WG will 
need to expolain how to do what you're trying to do).

1a. That said, it throws up the notion of attaching different bits of 
the policy to different resources (the Dataset and the Distribution) 
which needs to be addressed.

2. You also raise the issue of validation. The WG is likely to leave 
validation to external mechanisms. This is likely to lead to a 
suggestion of handing the problem off to SHACL but the spec is likely to 
support any validation technique.

More from Renato soon.


For tracker: Action-32

[1] https://www.w3.org/2016/10/03-poe-minutes#item03


Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Monday, 3 October 2016 13:52:47 UTC