[poe] Issue: Confusing wording marked as Model

vroddon has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "Model":

== Confusing wording ==
In Section 2.2 of the IM we read:

> An Asset must have at least one relation sub-property value (of type Asset) indicating the explicit link relationship to the Asset.

And in Section 2.3 we read:

> A Party must have at least one function sub-property values (of type Party) indicating the functional role undertaken by the Party.

Am I the only one confused after reading this? Wouldn't it be better like this?

> **A Rule** must have at least one relation sub-property value (of type Asset) indicating the explicit link relationship to the Asset.
> **A Rule** must have at least one function sub-property values (of type Party) indicating the functional role undertaken by the Party.

(Bonus comment: what is the meaning of a rule not having a assigner? lacking an assingee is understood as everyone but... lacking an assigner? a work in the public domain? In such a case, please mind that we cannot have zero assigners and zero assignees)

See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/238

Received on Saturday, 2 September 2017 04:47:43 UTC