Re: [poe] IM: Constraint and Logical Constraint do not have a uid property

@riannella this way:

        "action": [{
           "rdf:value": { "@id": "odrl:reproduce" },
           "refinement": { "uid": "" }

   "@context": "",
   "@type": "LogicalConstraint",
   "uid": "",
   "xone": [ { "@id": "" },
             { "@id": "" } ]

   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Constraint",
   "uid": "",
   "leftOperand": "media",
   "operator": "eq",
   "rightOperand": "online"
etc ...
What is shown above is in fact done by any JSON-LD library in the transformation from Compacted to Expanded JSON-LD and this is a prerequisite for transforming that into N-Quads - see the lower box at : it splits up the nested syntax into standalone graphs.

As I said this is done by any Compacted to Expanded transformation, in this case the hand-made id `` is is set to a blank node id like `_:b99` by the internal processor of the transformator.

If the Logical Constraint would have a uid this would be possible:
* the same Logical Constraint is used by 6 Rules of a Policy
* the Logical Constraint graph is defined outside the Policy graph - but inside a "Policy and other graphs"-RDF Dataset.
* ... and all 6 Rules could (re-)use the Logical Constraint by a  `"constraint": { "uid": "" } `
* and to make this crystal clear: a `"constraint": { @id: "" }` is semantically exactly the same - only an @id has to be used instead of uid. 

Therefore is strongly suggest for the sake of a consistent ODRL syntax across all classes: let's define a uid property for Locial Constraint as it is defined for the other classes.

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Received on Thursday, 12 October 2017 21:50:04 UTC