[poe] Issue: 3.1.1 Policy Conflict marked as To Be Closed

riannella has just labeled an issue for https://github.com/w3c/poe as "To Be Closed":

== 3.1.1 Policy Conflict ==
> The conflict attribute is used either to resolve conflicts arising from the merging of policies, 

- only from merging? what if a policy contains conflicting rules, but wasn't merged with any other policy?

> specifically when there are conflicting Actions in the Permissions and Prohibitions, 

- what constitutes a conflict? 
- how are _conflicting Actions_ identified? 
- is it possible that two permitted actions of the same policy are causing a conflict?

> or to set priorities over the Permissions/Prohibitions in the same policy.

- what?

> perm: the Permissions will always takes preference
prohibit: the Prohibitions will always takes preference

- what preference?

> invalid: the policy is invalid

- i.e., any policy using `invalid` as conflict resolution strategy is invalid per definition?

See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/76

Received on Friday, 24 March 2017 02:57:25 UTC