Re: PLING Wiki Site: Use Cases, Policy Frameworks and Related Activities

On 16 Jan 2008, at 01:53, Natale, Bob wrote:

> Wrt the "Policy Languages and Frameworks" section, I suggest the  
> following candidate additions:
>    - Frameworks:
>      - WS-Policy
>      - OASIS SCA Policy Framework
>      - 3GPP2 IMS (PDF, RCAF, etc.)
>    - Languages:
>      - Ponder
>      - PECAN
> In general, I am making these suggestions at this time to "test"  
> what is intended to be included in (or excluded from) the PLING  
> coverage more than anything else...before diving into more detailed  
> discussions.

Bob - thanks for the contributions. I've added them to the "todo" list  
on the wiki [1]

I'm currently creating a new table for each language/framework (feel  
free to add them yourself ;-)

Can you add URLs for the listed items in the todo list so we can delve  
into the details of the languages/frameworks...? (A good 'test' is  
that the policy language/framework is publicly accessible!)

Cheers...  Renato Iannella

[1] <>

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 07:06:26 UTC