issue-633 Updates to grid and gridcell roles

Following is a summary of changes to grid and gridcell roles proposed in the
mck_issue633 branch[1]. These changes incorporate feedback from the Sep 17
ARIA meeting and enable grid to be applied to some of the scenarios raised
by issue 633.


Changes to grid as compared to master[2]:

1. Expanded the definition of the role to clearly state grid can be used to
not only present tabular data but also group interactive elements, such as a
set of navigation links.

2. Clarified the intent and meaning of readonly when applied to grid.

3. Updated language related to colspan and rowspan to incorporate new ARIA
1.1 properties.

4. Removed unnecessary or eroneous  references to treegrid.

5. Rearranged text  to present requirements in a logical and easier to
comprehend sequence.

6. Made editorial changes to simplify wording, fix grammar errors, and
reduce use of passive voice.


Changes to role gridcell as compared to master[2]:

1. Changed the word "active" to "focusable." in the phrase: "Gridcells may
be focusable, editable, and selectable."

2. Other editorial changes, e.g., adding reference links and using the word
gridcell in place of cell where it could affect the meaning.


[1] mck_issue633 branch:


[2] master branch:


Matt King

Received on Monday, 28 September 2015 21:47:59 UTC