RE: aria-current concerns from Apple

> 3. Has the working group considering making this attribute freeform text instead of a token value? Consider it similar to @aria-roledescription.

This was one of the original proposals, but I remember we all decided to go for tokens in order to make localization easier through the API, instead of forcing authors to provide different strings for every language.

-----Original Message-----
From: James Craig [] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 2:55 AM
Cc: PF <>
Subject: Re: aria-current concerns from Apple

On Sep 11, 2015, at 2:31 AM, Léonie Watson wrote:
>> From: James Craig
>>> We have a concern with the aria-current proposal in its current form.
>>> From an implementation perspective, the specification makes it 
>>> difficult to do things like announcing the current element in a list 
>>> when you first navigate to the beginning of that list.
> How do you see this working from an AT user's perspective? Using your 
> example, would a screen reader announce something like "List of N 
> items, X is current TokenType"? For example, "List of 5 items, Home is current page".

Yes, but probably with slightly less verbosity. As intended, the current element would also be spoken as "current" when you navigate directly to it.

> It might be worth associating the two attribute names though? This for 
> author usability as much as anything. Perhaps -current and -currenttype?

I'll answer with few more questions:

1. Would the type might be useful outside the context of @aria-current? 
2. Would the double "tt" make it easy for authors to misspell the attribute?
3. Has the working group considering making this attribute freeform text 
   instead of a token value? Consider it similar to @aria-roledescription.


Received on Friday, 11 September 2015 15:57:45 UTC