Re: issue-633 Updates to grid and gridcell roles

Hi Matt,

There is an editor's note in the master branch that states (my emphasis):
" Now that 1.1 will include a table role, we need to differentiate the 
short description more sufficiently. Emphasize that grids are 
"interactive" tables that *maintain a selection state*."

One of the states that grid supports is aria-multiselectable, but this 
is absent in the case of the table role.  Similarly, the gridcell role 
supports aria-selected, but the cell role does not.

This is one of the main differences between grids/gridells and 
tables/cells, and it should be underscored up front.  But, I'm having a 
tough time trying to fit it into the new short description.

How about:

"A composite widget that supports a selection model, containing one or 
more rows with one or more cells where some or all of the cells in the 
grid are focusable using two-dimensional navigation, such as by 
directional arrow keys."


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Thursday, 1 October 2015 14:41:36 UTC