Re: aria-describedat

I have a conflict on Thursday. Any reason we don't have an email thread
with all parties?
On Feb 3, 2015 11:46 AM, "Richard Schwerdtfeger" <> wrote:

> As you know the aria-describedat discussion has been a rather hot topic as
> of late. George Kerscher, who brought the requirement to us, will be coming
> to the ARIA call on Thursday. I would ask that we all hear what he has to
> say. George is president of IDPF, that produces EPUB, and I believe he is
> also president of the Readium Foundation which is producing open source
> EPUB book readers that run on multiple operating system platforms.
> George is going to try to bring a representative from Benetech and one of
> the lead developers on Readium as they are getting ready to add
> aria-describedat support in their UI. He will also discuss Readium's plans
> to implement aria-describedat.
> Your attendance is very important. I want the group to hear from browser
> manufacturers as well as a leading epub book reader supplier to hear all
> sides of the discussion so that we can move forward on decision on how to
> support aria-describedat.
> Let's have a good pragmatic discussion on Thursday.
> Call in logistics:
> 12:30PM Eastern time
> 1-617-761-6200
> passcode: 2742
> W3C IRC channel: #aria
> I will be sending out a meeting agenda soon.
> Thank you,
> Rich
> Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 17:14:41 UTC