Re: Question regarding role=directory, the usage and purpose is unclear

FWIW^2 ReSpec does this because I assumed a role of directory was
appropriate there.  Not because anyone told me that was the correct role to
use.  If it is wrong. someone should let me know!

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer <>

> FWIW, all the ARIA documents use this role for their table of contents.
> For example, the main <ul> under the "Table of Contents" heading in the
> ARIA 1.1 editors' draft [1] is:
> <ul id="respecContents" class="toc" role="directory> ...
> The AAPI role given in the the core mapping specification is a "list" role
> [2] since their is no specific "directory" role in any platform a11y API.
> However, the aria role string is available in the accessible as well (how
> depends on the AAPI itself).
> Thus, the IA2 and ATK/AT-SPI accessible in the a11y tree looks roughly
> like this, leaving out irrelevant details:
> {
>    role: list,
>    name: "",
>    description: "",
>    ...,
>    xml-roles: "directory"
> }
> The AXAPI accessible is:
> {
>   AXRole: AXList,
>   AXSubrole: AXContentList,
>  AXRoleDescription: "content list",
>  AXTitle: "",
>  AXDescription: "",
>  ...,
> }
> The result is a declaration that this is a list, specifically a directory
> (a list of references).
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> ;;;;joseph.
> 'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
>            - G. Bernhardt -

Shane McCarron
Managing Director, Applied Testing and Technology, Inc.

Received on Friday, 17 April 2015 14:23:16 UTC