Re: Query about intent of aria-expanded

> So would the best practice be to place it on both the control and the
> section being expanded/ collapsed (IOW not either-or)?

That depends on the context or role.  For a tree view [1], aria-expanded 
on the controller is important, but it can't be applied to the exposed 
children.  Consider that the children themselves are potentially 
expandable  -- that is, they might have children as well.  Thus, their 
aria-expanded is set to true when they themselves are expanded, not 
because their controller (parent) is expanded.

On the other hand, in the case of tablist [2], it's possible to place it 
on both the controlling tab [3] and the controlled tabpanel [4] without 
the above limitation.



'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2014 17:52:38 UTC