Re: ARIA role on HTML ul

> If I understand right Thierry's idea was that such ARIA role should 
> result in role="presentation" applied to structure elements (like tr, 
> td or li elements). That means no accessible should be created for 
> them. I find this reasonable for tr, however td and li I'd say should 
> have some generic accessible (perhaps no nothing role) to avoid text 
> collapsing contained by li and td. 

This is a very important point. When presentation is inherited whether 
from the presentation role or from a role with children presentational is 
true, if text from all child elements are collapsed together, the content 
may become unreadable, depending on the type of child elements. 

A few versions of Firefox, I think between 18 and 24,  once had that 
problem with tables. Layout tables just became one giant string for screen 
reader users so a screen reader user could not distinguish among the 
various elements of the table. 

The way I read section 5.1.1 and 5.4.1 in the 1.0 UAIG,  Firefox was 
actually interpreting the specification correctly when it made the 
presentational table unreadable. Of course, I am now happy for the more 
"practical" implementation we have today. 

Matt King
IBM Senior Technical Staff Member
I/T Chief Accessibility Strategist
IBM BT/CIO - Global Workforce and Web Process Enablement 
Phone: (503) 578-2329, Tie line: 731-7398

From:   Joseph Scheuhammer <>
To:     Alexander Surkov <>, Thierry Koblentz 
<>, Marco Zehe <>, Léonie 
Watson <>, Steve Faulkner 
<>, Jason Kiss <>, 
Joseph Scheuhammer <>, 
Cc:     W3C WAI Protocols & Formats <>
Date:   10/09/2014 06:49 AM
Subject:        Re: ARIA role on HTML ul

Hi Alex,

(Note:  I am cc'ing the public-pfwg list as Alex suggested):

Alex wrote:

> Hi, guys. Moving twitter discussion to email (maybe that should be 
> part of ARIA mail list).
> So, when you apply strong role to HTML table or HTML ul elements that 
> has different semantics than these elements then underlying structure 
> is not exposed but generic accessible with no role are created. That's 
> how it works in Firefox, I verified it by automated test we have [1]. 
> Example
> <table role="button">
>   <tr><td>content</td></tr>
> </table>
> accessible tree is:
> table (for table)
>   nothing (for tr)
>     nothing (for td)
>       text leaf (for text node)

If you look at the characteristics table for the button role 
(, you will see 
an entry at the bottom labelled "Children Presentational" with the value 
"true".  The children of a button are all implicitly presentational. 
The element used, be it <table> or <ul>, doesn't matter; it's the button 
role that defines this. The definition of "Presentational Children" 
states that user agents SHOULD NOT expose the descendants of a role 
whose children are presentational 
Using your example,  the <tr>, <td>, all have a presentation role, and 
are effectively:

<table role="button">
   <tr role="presentation"><td role="presentation">content</td></tr>

I have a question about your accessible tree, though.  The button role 
has not been exposed anywhere.  Is this a typo?  Otherwise, the "nothing 
(for tr)", and "nothing (for td)"  is as expected with those descendants 
as presentational.

> Same is for HTML UL element I believe.
> If I understand right Thierry's idea was that such ARIA role should 
> result in role="presentation" applied to structure elements (like tr, 
> td or li elements). That means no accessible should be created for 
> them. I find this reasonable for tr, however td and li I'd say should 
> have some generic accessible (perhaps no nothing role) to avoid text 
> collapsing contained by li and td.
> Futhermore, Thierry's case was role="tablist" on UL. I'm not sure 
> whether this role overrides native semantics of HTML ul, I'd say it 
> rather enhance it. So maybe it would be more reasonable if HTML li 
> elements got role="tab" accessible automatically. At least no 
> accessible approach seems unpractical in this case.

It's an interesting idea that the <li> elements of a <ul role="tablist"> 
implicitly have the role="tab".  But, how dangerous is that assumption? 
What if the author puts an explicit role="tab" on some other element? 
As far as the current spec is concerned, putting role="tablist" on an 
element does not automatically propagate role="tab" to any of the 
tablist's descendants (nor role="tabpanel" for that matter).

> These are some general observations, I didn't check that with ARIA 
> spec. So cc'ing Joseph for ARIA spec wording interpretations :)
> Thanks.
> Alexander.
> [1] 

Hope that helps.


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2014 12:42:46 UTC