Re: Request to update the spec for the roles menu and menubar

I second Bryan's request. Having solely the inheritance hint is not
enough, I believe. ARIA can be daunting as is, and such an implicit
linkage is easily overlooked.


On 08.10.2014 15:36, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
>> Hi,
>> I've noticed that the roles in the Roles Model document for menu and
>> menubar don't actually state that referenced children are required to
>> include role=menuitem, role=menuitemcheckbox, or role=menuitemradio.
> Is the following what you mean?
> Each role has a characteristics table with a row named "Required Owned
> Elements".  That row lists roles for the required children. The
> required owned element for menu at the URL you cite are:
> - group, which in turn contains menuitemradio elements,
> - menuitem,
> - menuitemcheckbox,
> - menuitemradio.
> There are none listed for menubar.  However, the menubar role inherits
> from the menu role, and implicitly has the same requirements in terms
> of required owned elements.  Perhaps it's useful to repeat the
> "Required Owned Elements" roles here, but then they would have to be
> kept in sync.  Perhaps a link would help. That is, add a "Required
> Owned Elements" row to the menubar characteristics table, but its
> entry is a link back to the row in the menu characteristics table. 
> The link text could be "See menu characteristics table."
> Hope that helps.

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 13:41:19 UTC