Re: Request to update the spec for the roles menu and menubar

Hi Bryan,

> Hi,
> I've noticed that the roles in the Roles Model document for menu and menubar don't actually state that referenced children are required to include role=menuitem, role=menuitemcheckbox, or role=menuitemradio.

Is the following what you mean?

Each role has a characteristics table with a row named "Required Owned 
Elements".  That row lists roles for the required children. The required 
owned element for menu at the URL you cite are:
- group, which in turn contains menuitemradio elements,
- menuitem,
- menuitemcheckbox,
- menuitemradio.


There are none listed for menubar.  However, the menubar role inherits 
from the menu role, and implicitly has the same requirements in terms of 
required owned elements.  Perhaps it's useful to repeat the "Required 
Owned Elements" roles here, but then they would have to be kept in 
sync.  Perhaps a link would help. That is, add a "Required Owned 
Elements" row to the menubar characteristics table, but its entry is a 
link back to the row in the menu characteristics table.  The link text 
could be "See menu characteristics table."

Hope that helps.


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 13:37:10 UTC