Re: PFWG-ISSUE-663: Presentational children of some widgets have doclick actions if make presentational who handles the click [ARIA 1.1 Implementation Guide]

On 2014-06-13 1:58 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> Yes, it would solve the problem if we were to expose the item in the 
> tree. In fact, we have a requirement that presentational items be 
> exposed if they have tabindex applied (are focusable). By exposing a 
> doClick function this would map to an API function that allows the AT 
> to click the item. For IA2 this would be an accessible action - 
> similar to if we had a doClick() on a focusable functions. 

If this change is made for role=button, it entails a change to the 
taxonomy.  Role button does not inherit from role composite [2]. 
Currently a button is "atomic", meaning it has no interactive descendants.

Just to explore the idea, I added a checkbox child to a button using 
native html <button> and <input> elements [3].  The W3C validator notes 
an error: "The element input must not appear as a descendant of the 
button element".  It's looking like html <button>s do not allow 
interactive children:

<button id="button2">
   Save <br>
   <input type="checkbox" checked id="check">
   <label for="check" >Save to local drives only </label>



'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Monday, 16 June 2014 15:24:07 UTC