Re: PFWG-ISSUE-626 (clarifying text alt recursion ): text alt computation statements on recursion are unclear [ARIA 1.1]


During last week's PF caucus call (Jul 7) , you raised a potential 
problem with regard to a recursive aria-labelledby in tables.  I've made 
an example for testing; find attached.

I think you were asking what happens if a <td> uses aria-labelledby to 
reference both its column and row headers, and the row header, in turn, 
uses aria-labelledby to reference its column header:  whether the name 
calculation for the cell visits the column header twice -- once 
directly, and once via the row header's aria-labelledby?  Does the 
attached markup capture your question (the raw html is given below)?

<table border tabindex="0">
          <th id="col1">Column One</th>
          <th id="col2">Column Two</th>
          <th id="row2" aria-labelledby="col1">Row 2</td>
          <td aria-labelledby="row2 col2">R2 C2</td>
          <th id="row3" aria-labelledby="col2">Row 3</td>
          <td aria-labelledby="row3 col2">R3 C2</td>


'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"'
            - G. Bernhardt -

Received on Friday, 11 July 2014 20:48:13 UTC