Re: Now a PFWG member, would like to join the ARIA TF

Hi Marco,

I have no doubt you will contribute as your work on ARIA 1.0 in Firefox has
had a big impact already. Consider yourself a member of the ARIA task

We meet Mondays at 1pm Eastern standard time. That would be 7pm in Germany.
Simply call in to the ARIA calls:

phone: 1-617-761-6200 passcode: 92473
We have an IRC channel to get on:  channel #aria

I will be sending out an agenda for Monday's call later in the week to I am copying Janina Sajka, the Protocols and Formats
Working Group chair, and Michael Cooper, the Protocols and Formats Working
Group Staff Contact.

Minutes of the these meetings are posted to

Welcome aboard and thank you for participating!


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Marco Zehe <>
To:	Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Date:	04/23/2014 01:38 PM
Subject:	Now a PFWG member, would like to join the ARIA TF

Hi Rich!

The subject says it all. Perhaps I can contribute! I'd love to try! :-)


Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2014 19:00:06 UTC