Site Navigator - Menu receiving focus (Comment 414)

Document: WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices Working Draft 7 March 2013
Part: Site Navigator - Tabbed Style (widget) (Site_Navigator_Tabbed_Style)

In addition to comment 404 & 406:

"Focus management: When the widget receives focus, the item in the widget that is currently active (e.g., currently displayed) should recieve the focus."

If i have a menu with main sections of a site and some subpage of a section is displayed, would it not be logical, if the item representing the section receives focus?

Especially if i have a drop-down menu and a content belonging to some submenu item is displayed. Would it not be logical to focus the menuitem controlling this submenu?

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 21:42:05 UTC