Comment on WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices document

On the following page:
In section 2. General Steps for Building an Accessible Widget with 
In point 3. Establish the widget structure in the markup (parent/child)
There is an example that has the following markup:

<div role="toolbar" tabindex="0" aria-activedescendant="button1">
  <img src="buttoncut.png" alt="cut" id="button1">
  <img src="buttoncopy.png" alt="copy" id="button1">
  <img src="buttonpaste.png" alt="paste" id="button1">

I believe that you do not want to have three identical id's ("button1").
Instead, I believe you would prefer to have three different id's, like in 
the following:

<div role="toolbar" tabindex="0" aria-activedescendant="button1">
  <img src="buttoncut.png" alt="cut" id="button1">
  <img src="buttoncopy.png" alt="copy" id="button2">
  <img src="buttonpaste.png" alt="paste" id="button3">

Keep up the good work!

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2011 07:42:14 UTC