Response to your comments on Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0

Dear Simon Pieters:

Thank you for your comments on the 24 February 2009 Last Call Working
Draft of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0
( The Protocols and
Formats Working Group has reviewed all comments received on the draft. We
would like to know whether we have understood your comments correctly and
whether you are satisfied with our resolutions.

Please review our resolutions for the following comments, and reply to us
by 1 February 2010 to say whether you accept them or to discuss additional
concerns you have with our response. You can respond in the following

* If you have a W3C account, we request that you respond online at;

* Else, by email to (be sure to reference our
comment ID so we can track your response). Note that this list is publicly

Please see below for the text of comments that you submitted and our
resolutions to your comments. Each comment includes a link to the archived
copy of your original comment on, and may also
include links to the relevant changes in the Accessible Rich Internet
Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 editors' draft at

Due to the scope of changes made in response to comments on the Last Call
Working Draft of WAI-ARIA, we are returning the specification to Working
Draft status. We will shortly publish a public "stabilization draft" of
WAI-ARIA and updated Working Drafts of the accompanying documents. While
these versions will not incorporate further discussion based on your
acknowledgement of our response to your comments, we will work with you on
your feedback as part of our preparation for the following version. You are
also welcome to submit new comments on the new public versions in addition
to sending your acknowledgement of our response to your previous comments.

Note that if you still strongly disagree with our resolution on an issue,
you have the opportunity to file a formal objection (according to 3.3.2 of
the W3C Process, at
to Formal objections will be reviewed during
the candidate recommendation transition meeting with the W3C Director,
unless we can come to agreement with you on a resolution in advance of the

Thank you for your time reviewing and sending comments. Though we cannot
always do exactly what each commenter requests, all of the comments are
valuable to the development of Accessible Rich Internet Applications
(WAI-ARIA) 1.0.


Janina Sajka, PFWG Chair

Michael Cooper, PFWG Staff Contact

Comment 276: Please remove FPI in sample ARIA DTD
Date: 2009-06-22
Archived at:
Relates to: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 - 9.1.3. Sample XHTML plus ARIA DTD <>
Status: Alternate action taken

Your comment:

<!-- This is the driver file for a sample XHTML + ARIA DTD.

      Please use this public identifier to identify it:

          "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+ARIA EXAMPLE 1.0//EN"


<!ENTITY % XHTML.version  "XHTML+ARIA 1.0" >

<!-- For example, if you are using XHTML 1.1 directly, use the public

      identifier in the DOCTYPE declaration, with the namespace

      on the document element to identify the default namespace:

        <?xml version="1.0"?>

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+ARIA 1.0//EN"


        <html xmlns=""







Please remove the FPI from this sample DTD.

Why? Because the following sequence of events have happened in the past:

   1. A W3C WG mints a new XHTML FPI.

   2. Some authors copy the doctype and use in their pages.

   3. Some of those authors serve their pages as application/xhtml+xml to 

XHTML browsers.

   4. Some of those pages have HTML entities like &nbsp; or &copy;.

   5. Those pages don't work in XHTML browsers.

   6. Browsers extend their list of magic FPIs that enable the HTML  

entities in XML.

It is painful, unnecessary and wastes time for authors and browser  


The spec also says "To avoid competition with future formal XHTML DTDs  

that support ARIA, this is only a sample and has not been posted to a  

referenceable location." although it seems to be referencable from

Response from the Working Group:
we will move the DTD out of the spec and re-publish it in an alternate
location ( Although it won't be a
formal part of the spec anymore, it will be more appropriate to be treated
as a formal resource. Therefore, we will remove the "for position only"
marker when we do this.

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 00:34:55 UTC