Re: 4 definitions for distractions

Hi Lisa,

This is pretty much where I had landed as well - slightly different
language but your's is fine too. Comments in line:

moving:  Non-essential distracting content that includes movement. This
includes: computer-generated moving images; content that  starts
automatically or is automatically updating; and elements that change
locations on the screen without user interaction.

Question: Does this also include 'autostart' videos, and animated GIFs? If
yes to either, should we capture tah in the language?

messages: Communication sent to or left for the user or the interface that
allows interaction of text-based messages. Messages may also be
automaticaly updating. Essential system messages should not be tagged as

I am concerned that this may be too vague. (What is "communication for the
interface"?) If this is intended to cover off real-time communications
(chatbots, etc.) then we should say so more explicitly. Previously, we had
a value of "Chat" with the following definition: "An embedded real-time
communication that may or may not be initiated by the user. This includes
but is not limited to WebRTC." I think we should be focused on the
"real-time" nature of the distraction more.

overlay: A part of an application or content that is non essential and
displayed over the top of the main content in the same window such as a
popup or child window that blocks user interaction to the parent window

Hmmm.... Might I suggest the following:
Overlay: Part of an application or content that is displayed over the top
of the main content in a secondary window, that blocks user interaction to
the parent window.

third-party: An advertisement or offer for a product, feature or service or
content that is not under the authors' control, that is not essential to
the user's current task.

The most discussed of the values under consideration. I am fine with this


On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 6:15 AM lisa.seeman <> wrote:

> Hi Folks
> here is a drfat of the new proposals for distractions. (To get the ball
> rolling)
> John is this what you had in mind?
> moving:  Non-essential distracting content that includes movement. This
> includes: computer-generated moving images; content that  starts
> automatically or is automatically updating; and elements that change
> locations on the screen without user interaction.
> messages: Communication sent to or left for the user or the interface that
> allows interaction of text-based messages. Messages may also be
> automaticaly updating. Essential system messages should not be tagged as
> distractions.
> overlay: A part of an application or content that is non essential and
> displayed over the top of the main content in the same window such as a
> popup or child window that blocks user interaction to the parent window
> third-party: An advertisement or offer for a product, feature or service
> or content that is not under the authors' control, that is not essential to
> the user's current task.
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman
> LinkedIn <>, Twitter
> <>

*​John Foliot* | Principal Accessibility Strategist | W3C AC Representative
Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good

Received on Monday, 9 December 2019 15:06:25 UTC