Re: Personalization thoughts & takeaways from TPAC

Thanks for the summary John. I do not remember Web Plat guidance is to likely for us ask for 1-3 new attributes -  i thought it was more as needed and as we can defend All the best Lisa Seeman LinkedIn, Twitter ---- On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 11:53:44 +0300 John Foliot <> wrote ---- Relevant Minutes: Web Plat meeting: Web Plat guidance is to likely for us ask for 1-3 new attributes They would like to see the taxonomies slightly more mature (we should do a concatenated version as well) Terence Eden: HM Gov (UK) are keen to help on this. (Spoke with Terrence Thursday - will forward meeting agenda/invite for our next call to him) Don't go for a micro-syntax. Avoid AUI-* attributes. Concerns because there is a CSS vendor that already uses that prefix, my (Brian Kardell) company also uses it, probably others. Suggest not prefixing it - there are multiple use cases outside the personalisation semantics. Siloing it into accessibility will actually reduce uptake in useful scenarios. Plenary Day Presentation: Correlation with Web Publishing (Ivan Herman) - we should follow up. They too are interested in a general purpose attribute (purpose="").  The role of Web Annotations in crowd-sourced augmentation should be investigated (idioms and expressions - also think about "slang") Q: do we have a longer-range vision statement? Where? Role of machine learning and AI? Concern around "name" (comments about "personalization" such as "change my font size and remember it" in i.e. Captions) Some people in the captions world worry about the change of subtitle text. Different constituents have different views on how it should work. It also has privacy impacts, in case of JavaScript access to that type of personalization. We are going to (we should) ask for a TAG review JF -- John Foliot | Principal Accessibility Strategist Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2018 18:03:03 UTC