Actions versus destinations

Hey all.

Given recent discussions about how to implement Personalization
Semantics, I figured I'd give extension writing a try as a proof of
concept. As part of this, I of course had to dive into your spec.

Question for your consideration: What are the benefits in making the
distinction between an action and a destination?

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that it doesn't buy you anything,
that it may lead to author confusion, and that implementation might be
simplified if this distinction were nixed. If you decide to keep the
distinction, then I think you might wish to consider prioritizing
clarifying actions versus destinations.

I already filed a github issue with more details. Just pointing out the
issue here in case most of you aren't monitoring github issues.

Looking forward to your answers. Thanks!

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 14:49:00 UTC