PDF and Open Data Project Update

Hello everyone,

Good evening! It's been a while since I've last given an update to the 
status of the PDFData project, and a lot has happened in the interim. If 
you haven't looked at the project before, you can find an introduction 
and more info here <https://github.com/Aiybe/PDFData/blob/master/README.md>.

And here's a list of major current features and where you can find them:

  * The PDFData Java library
    <https://github.com/Aiybe/PDFData/tree/master/od-reader>, written
    with Apache PDFBox and Adobe's XMP library. Supports reading and
    writing data tables from and to PDF files with a variety of storage
    methods (attachment, annotation, form, etc.)
  * The command line interface
    <https://github.com/Aiybe/PDFData/tree/master/od-frontend> (aka
    frontend), which wraps the Java library in a nice interface with two
    essential functions: adding data, given a PDF file and one or more
    data file(s); and extracting data, given a PDF file and a
    destination. It's a fairly thin wrapper around the library, and more
    attention on the user-friendliness end has gone to the web service.
  * The aforementioned web service
    <https://github.com/Aiybe/PDFData/tree/master/od-web> (try it online
    here <https://pdf.abe.im/>), which provides a much higher-level
    wrapper interface around the library's functionality. It supports
    all the same operations, but has a nice editor interface and visual
    feedback understandable by end-users. It's not yet finalized, but a
    working demo is online and available for use.
  * A variety of pieces of example data
    <https://github.com/Aiybe/PDFData/tree/master/examples>, with visual
    PDFs with real-world data tables stored in them. These can be played
    with in the web or command line interfaces and provide an example of
    (some of) the tool's capabilities.

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions/concerns. You can 
reach me at abe@newscenter.com <mailto:abe@newscenter.com>.

Abe Jellinek

Received on Saturday, 18 March 2017 05:54:55 UTC