Notes from WebAuthN / Web Payments discussion

Hi all,

I am recording here a conversation that looks place this week between Chairs of the Web Authentication and
Web Payments Working Groups (along with staff). Here some brief notes about the topics we discussed, in seeking
to further align our work.


* PSD2 use cases
* Different PSD2 authentication models: redirect, embedded, disconnected. Right now WebAuthn does not support iframe.
* With Payment request API, it is possible to have user-side software (mobile apps or web sites) initiate the authentication challenge.
* Discussions with various open API efforts (Open Banking UK, Berlin Group)
* FIDO work with EMVCo regarding data requirements (via the extension framework)
* Talking with OBIE to see if we can get some prototyping experience with Payment Request API, Payment Handler API, 
   WebAuthN, and open banking API.

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2018 20:04:31 UTC